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21/02 to 24/03/2019

Moritz Haas, Iris Hamers, Emilia Kubacki
Shady Matter

/ 14
Photos: Matthias Schwarze

[electronic humming]

Welcome. This is shady matter. Substance of desire and void. Hope for paradise, which is the last to die. The temptation of the illusion, despite one’s distrust. Is this real love? (This is a matter of life and death) The escape from the self, despite its doomed nature. (secret escapes dot com slash last minute) No future but a one-way-ticket just out of here. Avatars, pathos and epics. 3D. The surface which seduces and never satisfies. Something alluring that remains elusive. Can we trust our eyes?

A space becomes a world the way we see it, which we are longing for, which we forget about, from which we arise, which we create, in which we are trapped. Lost in installation, sculpture and moving image.

[anguished humming swells]

Do you feel it, too?

"Surface is an illusion, but so is depth" (Hockney)

The exhibition's installational display deals with desires and illusions, the borders between nature and artificiality, the contrast between escape and protection. A confrontation with new views and imagery stimulates an awareness for the restricted vision of one's own position. Playing with established habits of perception, the exhibition breaks with familiar perspectives by revealing them literally in a different light.

Moritz Haas and Iris Hamers are currently studying at HfBK Hamburg with Anselm Reyle. Emilia Kubacki finished her studies with Reyle in 2018 and lives and works as an artist in Berlin and Hamburg.

Opening: 20/02/2019 7:00 pm - The artists are present.