In his works Wonkun Jun transforms sentiment into concrete colour shapes combining western tendencies in art with Asian influences. By adopting a complex method of applying and partly removing numerous diluted layers of acrylic paint the South Korean artist creates a spatial appeal which adds to the particular aura of the works. To Jun it is crucial to engage in the painting process itself as well as in the harmonious arrangement of colours and forms within the image space. He thus creates delicate surfaces indicating an unusual contemplative depth. The exhibition includes paintings as well as a number of new drawings by the artist.
Wonkun Jun was born in 1970 in Seoul, South Korea. He studied painting at Chugye-Academy of Fine Arts in Seoul, HBK Braunschweig and Kunstakademie Dusseldorf. In 2003 he graduated as master student of Helmut Federle. His works have been shown among others in exhibitions at Kunstverein Duisburg, Museum Kunstpalast Dusseldorf and Youngen Art Museum Kyungido, South Korea.
Opening: 05/04/2017 7:00 pm - Wonkun Jun is present.